3rd Grade
Themes of the Month:
Book of the Month:
Click on the title for more information!
Quote of the Month
In Reading…
We will begin our nonfiction reading unit learning about the differences between fiction and nonfiction. Students will read a variety of nonfiction books. Just like in our writing unit, we will take a look at various nonfiction text features and think about how they help us understand the information in our books. We will spend a majority of our reading unit thinking about and discussing the main idea of texts and how details support the main idea.
Please have your child read daily at home for at least 20 minutes.
In Writing…
We will begin with an informational writing unit. Students will brainstorm nonfiction topics that they know a lot about and choose a topic to write about. Students will study various nonfiction text features to include in their writing. Throughout the unit students will learn about nonfiction text structures. Students will begin by brainstorming, then drafting, revising and editing and finally publishing their writing.
Please have your child practice their writing skills at home by writing about the books they are reading.
In Math…
We will begin our multiplication unit. We will discuss the importance of equal groups in multiplication. Students will begin to understand the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication. Students will learn how they can use skip counting to help them solve multiplication equations. Our unit will also include division. Students will learn vocabulary specific to each operation and how to solve word problems for each operation.
Please have your child practice their multiplication fact cards daily.
In Science…
Students will learn about what a scientist does and how they use their five senses to learn about things. Students will use their 5 senses to observe different things, such as rocks, popcorn and apples. They will use science tools, such as hand lenses to look at objects more closely.
To support your child at home, talk about the 5 senses. Go on a listening walk outside to hear the different sounds around us!
In Technology…
In technology students will learn how to log into our chromebooks and use our G Suite accounts. We will also be learning how to create a slideshow using google slides.
In Social Studies…
Third graders will explore the question: Why does geography matter? Geographic regions have unifying characteristics and can be studied using various tools. World communities can be located on globes and maps. Locations can be identified relative to the Equator and Prime Meridian (latitude, longitude)
In Social Emotional Learning (SEL) …
Students will learn the importance of developing a growth mindset. We will discuss how to make an effective plan to practice our skills. Practice strengthens the pathways in our brain and helps us become better at new skills.
In Art…
Third graders will learn about American artist, Grant Wood, most well known for his painting “American Gothic”. They will be create fall landscapes that include foreground and background as well as contrast.
In Gym…
Students are participating in a variety of activities while performing various gross motor skills.
Resources for Parents
Questions to ask your child about reading:
What might happen next in the story?
What is the problem the character is having?
What lesson did the character learn?
What text features did you notice and how did they help you?
What new information did you learn?
What questions do you still have?
Websites to help practice skills we are learning:
Important Dates
September 7
First Day of School