2nd Grade

January 2024

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and are ready to dive into the new year with lots of learning!

Please continue to support your child(ren) by reading through the January Newsletter carefully.  With your ongoing help, we hope to set up all of the second graders for success!

We mostly communicate via Dojo, so please make sure you’re connected!      


Book of the Month:   

  Bilal Cooks Daal 
Written by Aisha Seed 
Illustrated by Anoosha Saeed

Click here for more information and activities that you can do at home!

Theme:  Inclusion, Friendship & Belonging

Student-of-the-Month Characteristics:

→They recognize how others are feeling and imagine how they would feel if they were in a similar situation.
→They show care and concern for their peers.
→They realize that someone else’s feelings may be different from his/her own.

2nd Grade Newsletter - December 2023 

 2nd Grade Newsletter - November 2023

English Language Arts


     This month, second graders are beginning to study characters and their stories!  Students will be taught skills and strategies for “reading” characters to help grow ideas about them.  As students work inside early chapter books, you will also support them in accumulating the story, linking chapters, and dealing with any difficulty they encounter (just as we have done in past units of study).

     Students will be encouraged to think of how they can be thoughtful fiction reader who think carefully about characters and their stories, asking and answering questions, drawing on strategies when books are hard to understand, and considering what an author intends for them to learn through a character’s journey.

Helpful Tips:  Focus on studying characters before, during, and after reading a fiction book.

At home, you can ask:   What are the things you can do before, during, and after reading a book to be a thoughtful reader of characters and stories?



     In writing, we are wrapping up our informational writing pieces.  In this last part, we are focusing on “Writing for an Audience”. 

     As students write, they should ask themselves “What information does my audience want to know?" They will write descriptions and comparisons that will ultimately help their audience picture the information they are teaching.

Helpful Tip:  Read some nonfiction books with your child.  Encourage them to notice how an author hooks a reader right from the beginning of the book.  Encourage your child to do this with their writing at home!