1st Grade


December's Themes:  Confidence & Self-Esteem


Book of the month:  

 The Book of Mistakes Book Cover 

The Book of Mistakes, by Corinna Luyken

Click on the link for more information and activities you can do at home!


Quote of the Month

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” –Michelle Obama


What are 1st Graders Learning this month?

1st Grade Newsletter December 2023


• Reading - 1st graders will now begin to learn about the world by reading nonfiction texts. 


• Writing - 1st graders will begin to write nonfiction books.   They are including text features that they have been noticing in their nonfiction reading. 


•  Social Studies - 1st graders will learn about different animals.  Students will learn facts about animals, compare and contrast them, and participate in classroom discussions about the topic.


• Math - 1st graders will continue to use strategies, such as counting on and counting back, or using a number line to solve addition and subtraction problems. 

     Students will continue this problem solving work throughout the month, as they complete the unit How Many of Each?  How Many in All? 


• Fundations - 1st graders are learning about glued sounds: three letters that have individual sounds which are very closely glued together (like ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk). 

What are 1st graders learning in their specials?

Science with Ms. Bakalac: : First graders are approaching the end of their first unit of study, Structures and Behaviors in Living Things. They will take an assessment and begin the next unit of study, Light, Sound, and Waves. In this unit students will learn about the relationship between sound and vibrating materials.  To support your child at home, talk about different objects that make sounds. 

Art with Mr. Hanratty:  First graders will be continuing to build on their knowledge of color.  After learning about primary colors, secondary colors, and tints, they will be learning about warm colors and cool colors. They will be creating warm color/cool color paper weavings

Art with Ms. Brill:  We will create seasonal themed art including projects based on nature and winter activities.  The children will learn about winter and holiday traditions around the world. 

Gym with Mr. Meehan and Ms. Gursoy:  This month students will practice their manipulative skills.  We will focus on hand and eye coordination by throwing and catching objects.  We will practice throwing underhand, overhand, rolling, and sliding objects through a variety of group games!  The activities will also enhance their locomotor skills we practiced from September! 

Music & Movement with Mrs. Fitzgerald:  Students will continue to learn to sing and dance through a story.  We will be reading stories about winter time and winter holidays.  The students will be creative in their movements and begin to choreograph.  They will continue to build their vocabulary and use directional words. 

Music with Mr. Schorr: First graders will conclude their study of dynamics in music by learning how music can get gradually louder or gradually softer (the technical terms for this is crescendo and decrescendo). We will also be learning about instrument families and how these categories are determined by appearance and method of making sound.  In rhythm we will be adding tiki tiki to our repertoire of ta, teedle, rest. 


  • Make sure your child is reading for 20 minutes every night!


  • Wear sneakers for gym and music and movement!


Sight Word and Spelling Words

These are the words the students will practice in their homework.


are, of, big, have, some
too, yes, they, was, one
your, going, her, from, day


They should be able to read and spell these words.

Try at Home

  • Have your child talk and list three facts about animals in our neighborhood or those they learned about in reading nonfiction. Facts can include where the animals live, what they eat, and how they behave.


  • Practice counting from 1-120.


  • Help your child continue to build fluency by adding numbers within 20 using their fact fluency cards.

Important Dates


Pajama Day

12/25 - 1/1

Winter Recess